Hello, I am Nathan Lineback. I am a Programmer / Tech suport / Computer repair person / general computer guy. I am interested in the history and future of GUI desktops and enjoy promoting Firefox and other open technologies.
My opinions about stuff
I have a lot of opinions about stuff. So here they are.
My Computers
Sure, I have got to brag about my computers.
My Stuff
Some of my stuff I scanned in.
My TI-99/4A Screen Shots
I made a bunch of purdy graphics on my TI a looooong time ago and I
don't feel like letting them rot so here they are.
My Apple II screen shots
Some old screen shots of some double-high res screen Apple II graphics.
The WinWorldPC.com Online Software Museum
I'm a big fan of the WinWorld Museum, it has many historic vintage
software products that you can try out for yourself.